LAZARUS LAUNCH November 10th, 2002 (Pete)

     This update shall, no doubt, seem terribly brief, but I am writing this at three o' clock in the morning, and to be honest...I'm ready for some sleep.
     I figured I would present you with this first delightful story before I conk out, however. Online, over in the Story Archives is the first part of the Lazarus saga which will probably span three-to-four stories when all is said and done. Being one of my favorite characters to write, you can probably bet that Adam "Lazarus" Caid will be making appearances here and there, not to mention getting his own stand-alone stories, such as the one I'm presenting now.
     Also, and this may seem an odd thing to present as a side note...Let it be known, THE NOVEL IS DONE. It's been done for almost a week, and publication preparations are being made. I realize an event such as this seems big enough to warrant its own update, and given time I'm sure it will. For now, though, I thought I should perhaps mention it and at least let people know about it. More to come on that later.
     For now, I am off to bed. Enjoy the story, and feel free to discuss it to your heart's content, over on the forums! (you knew I was going to plug those. Admit it).
     Good night. Happy reading!
